Digesting Emotions Workshop


Digesting Emotions Workshop


When you feel anxious, overwhelmed, depressed or stuck, there is stress energy trapped in your nervous system. This is what we call Trauma.

Anxiety, depression, and feeling stuck are a part of life but they do not need to tax your body or get stuck in your nervous system causing you to live with these difficult emotions for long periods of time.

This introductory workshop will teach you where the nervous system is, how it works, and how to shift patterns of feeling stuck, anxious, and depressed by digesting your emotions.  Most importantly, you will learn valuable skills that you can use right now to shift from feeling anxious and depressed to enjoying more of your life and feeling empowered to digest hard emotions as they arise.

Join me in this experiential and introductory workshop where you will:

  • How Emotions Work

  • Nervous System Regulation

  • Nervous System Capacity

  • The Life Cycle of Emotions

  • Practice & Uncover, at least two, tools that work for your body and mind that you can start integrating into your life TODAY

The workshop is on zoom
Recording is available for those who cannot make it live

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